How to Incorporate Your Pets in to Your Wedding

As a kitty momma, I love when people incorporate their pets into their weddings! Whether your pets make a quick appearance or they stay for the ceremony, it is so special for not only you and your fluffy friends, but for your guests as well! For a day filled with the love of you and your partner, it makes sense you want your furry friends to attend too! In this article you’ll find everything you’ll need about having your pets attend your wedding, and even learn of other ways to incorporate them if they can’t come to your wedding.

What To Do if Your Venue Doesn’t Allow Pets

Unfortunately, there are some venues out there that aren’t pet friendly, and while it’s a major bummer, that doesn’t mean your pets still can’t make an appearance! I’ve had couples name their signature drinks after their furry friends, incorporate them into their party favors, to bringing cardboard cutouts of their pets to the ceremony and reception! It’s always a huge hit, and it makes the couple feel better knowing their pets are still apart of this special day, even if they can't physically be there.

Ways To Include Your Pets If They Are Not Allowed at Your Venue

  • Name your signature drinks after your furry friends

  • Make cardboard cutouts of your pets and bring them to the ceremony and reception

  • Incorporate them into your favors! I had one couple add a picture of their dogs to their wedding koozies and everyone loved it

  • Include them on the wedding cake as a cake topper

  • Have a special pocket sleeve to put in your suit with your pup embroidered on the fabric

  • Include them in your engagement photos

  • Add their illustration on your invitation

  • Make custom napkins with your furry friends’ faces on them

  • Make a fathead of your pet to use as a Photobooth prop

  • Incorporate your pet in your table numbers

  • Decorate the venue with their pictures

  • Have pet themed décor, it’s easiest to do this for your bar!

  • Add a tiny charm of your pet to your bouquet

  • Have doggy bags filled with dog biscuits for your guests to take home to their fur babies

If You’re Wanting to Have Your Pet at the Venue, Consider These Questions First:

  • Is your wedding venue located within a few hours of your house?

  • Can your ceremony and reception space accommodate your pet?

  • Does your pet behave well in new environments?

  • Is one of your guests willing to take care of your pet? (Trust me, you will be too busy to do so)

  • Do you have a pet friendly space for your furry friend to hangout? (Pet bed, water bowl, food dish, a toy to keep them occupied, etc.)

  • Will your pet get into decorations?

  • Who will walk your dog down the aisle?

  • Will your pet get into food?

  • Can you include your pet’s attendance in your invitations so any guests with allergies can plan accordingly?

  • More than likely your pet won’t be at the venue all day, so do you have someone that can take your fluffy friend back to your home while you’re still celebrating?

Tips For Having Your Pet Be Apart of Your Wedding Day

  • Take your pet to the venue before the big day so they can sniff around and become familiar with the space.

  • Have your pet be a part of the rehearsal and have them walk down the aisle with you. After all, practice makes paw-fect!

  • Let your vendors know, there might be special planning they need to do, or they might have additional ideas for you!

  • Have someone walk your pet down the aisle instead of letting them go by themselves.

  • Have an exit plan & be flexible. Your furry friend might get overwhelmed, and you may need to have them step away. Have a friendly face present that your pet knows to keep an eye on them.

How to Include Your Pet if They are Allowed at Your Venue:

If you've checked in with your venue and they've told you it's ok to bring your pet, then now's the time to start planning how you'd like to incorporate them into your day! You could have someone drop your pet off for a few quick pictures, or you can have them stay for a bit! Whatever you choose to do, here are a few ideas for you to include your furry friend on your wedding day!

Have Them Be Your Flower Girl

Have Your Pet Be Your Flower Girl and/or Ring Bearer

Good For Pets Who:

  • Walk on a leash politely

  • Behave well in crowds

  • Are comfortable wearing large accessories

  • Are outgoing

How To Do It: The most common way I see pets in the flower girl role is they have a floral wreath around their neck, and are walked down the aisle with either a fancy leash, or leash covered in greenery. However you plan to do this, talk to your florist and see what they are able to do for your furry friend. You’ll also need a designated person to walk your pet down the aisle, and you’ll want to practice doing this, especially if that person is a child. I also recommend practicing with a faux floral collar so your pet can get used to having a floral wreath around their neck before the wedding day.

Have Your Pet Be Your Ring Bearer

Have Your Pet Be the ARing Bearer

Good For Pets Who:

  • Walk on a leash politely

  • Behave well in crowds

  • Are comfortable wearing accessories

  • Are outgoing

How To Do It: You’ll first need to determine if you’d actually want your pet to carry the rings, or if you’d like their walker to carry the rings. For those of you who want your furry friend to carry the rings, you can use a harness with a special pouch, or tie the rings around their collar with a fancy ribbon. If you choose to have your pet carry the rings, make sure you have them practice “wearing” them so they become more comfortable with it. A quick tip, make sure you attach the rings just before your pet walks down the aisle, that way they don’t lose them beforehand.

Have Them Pose in Pictures with You

Have Your Pets Pose in Photos with You

Good For Pets Who:

  • Are leash trained

  • Behave well in crowds

  • Adjust well to new crowds

  • Can stay calm

  • Can “sit” and “stay”

How To Do It: It’ll be extremely helpful if you have some treats on hand to encourage your pet to behave and look up at the camera. However, your pet should be comfortable with the “sit” and “stay” commands already, so it’ll make things easier for your photographer, and you’ll be able to stay on time with your wedding day schedule.

Dress Your Fluffy Friend in Signature Attire

Dress Your Furry

Friends Up

Good For Pets Who:

  • Behave well in crowds

  • Are comfortable wearing accessories

  • Are outgoing

How To Do It: Make sure your pet is comfortable in their new attire by getting them used to wearing it before the wedding. The most common pet accessories I see at weddings are bow ties, suits, tutus, floral wreaths, and leashes covered in greenery. However you plan to deck your pet out, make sure they are first comfortable in it before the wedding.


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